Operation Status Questionnaire

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Questionnaire on Satisfaction with Teji Valves

Dear user, your story with Teji Valve is about to start a new chapter! To better serve you, we sincerely invite you to share your experience. Your valuable opinions will become our beacon to open up a more efficient and reliable future. Thank you for your support and participation!

Ⅰ. Basic information

1: What is the name of your company or organization?

2: What valve brand are you currently using?

3: How long have you been using Teji brand valves?
a. Less than 3 months
b. 3-6 months
c. 6-12 months
d. 1-2 years
e. 2 years or more

Ⅱ. Valve quality evaluation

4: Are you satisfied with the material of the valve?
a. Very satisfied
b. Satisfied
c. Normal
d. Dissatisfied
e. Very dissatisfied

5: How is the wear resistance of the valve during long-term use?

a. Excellent
b. Good
c. Average
d. Poor
e. Very Poor

6: What do you think of the sealing performance of the valve?

a. No leaks
b. Sometimes there are slight leaks
c. Sometimes there are leaks
d. Frequent leaks

Ⅲ. Performance Evaluation

7: How does the valve perform in extreme environments such as high pressure/temperature?

a. Excellent performance
b. Stable performance
c. Average performance
d. Significant performance degradation
e. Very poor performance

8: Is the flow regulation of the valve accurate?

a. Very accurate
b. Accurate
c. Moderately
d. Inaccurate
e. Very inaccurate

9: Is the valve opening and closing operation smooth?

a. Very smooth
b. Smooth
c. A little awkward
d. Difficult to operate
e. Unable to operate

Ⅳ. Ease of use

10: Do you think the valve is easy to install?

a. Very convenient
b. Convenient
c. Normal
d. Inconvenient
e. Very inconvenient

11: Is it convenient to maintain or replace the valve?

a. Very convenient
b. Convenient
c. Normal
d. Inconvenient
e. Very inconvenient

12: Do you think the valve operation interface design is reasonable?

a. Very reasonable
b. Reasonable
c. General
d. Unreasonable
e. Very unreasonable

Ⅴ. After-sales service experience

13: How do you evaluate the after-sales service of Teji Valve?

a. Very satisfied
b. Satisfied
c. Normal
d. Dissatisfied
e. Very dissatisfied

14: How quickly does the Teji Valve respond when a problem occurs?

a. Very fast
b. Fast
c. Normal
d. Slow
e. Very slow

15: Does Stunt Valve’s technical support meet your needs?

a. Very satisfied
b. Satisfied
c. Normal
d. Dissatisfied
e. Very dissatisfied

Ⅵ. Overall Satisfaction

16: What is your overall satisfaction with the valve you are currently using?

a. Very satisfied
b. Satisfied
c. Normal
d. Dissatisfied
e. Very dissatisfied

17: Would you recommend this valve to other peers or companies?

a. Highly recommend
b. Recommend
c. May recommend
d. Not recommend
e. Highly not recommend

18: If you have any suggestions or comments, please fill in here:

Thank you for participating in this survey!

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Welcome to our website. If you have any requests or suggestions, please feel free to email us at teji@teji-valve.com or use the following enquiry form. Please allow us to provide you with the best service.
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Welcome to our website. If you have any requests or suggestions,please feel free to email us at  teji@teji-valve.com  or use the following enquiry form. Please allow us to provide you with the best service.

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Welcome to our website. If you have any requests or suggestions,please feel free to email us at  teji@teji-valve.com  or use the following enquiry form. Please allow us to provide you with the best service.

Teji Valve Group Co., Ltd.
Teji Valve Group Co., Ltd.

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