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Gas Project

As a Valve Manufacturer since 1980, TEJI Valve Group supplied a lot of valves to Gas Project both in Domestic and Overseas, such as the project feedback of Russia Gas natural gas transport pipeline 13890-(GE-0)-R-TB 1001.

In recent years, against the backdrop of rapid development of the natural gas industry at home and abroad, the development trend of the industrial valve industry has been positive, and the domestic industrial valve market demand has continued to increase and the market scale has continued to expand.

At present, the valves used in the key equipment of natural gas are ball valves, gate valves, globe valves, butterfly valves and other types. Ball valves are widely used because of their simple structure, high reliability, long life and fast switching, especially compared with other types of valves with small flow resistance. There are high requirements for its sealing performance because of Gas Medium Service. Ball valve sealing performance is very important to determine its quality, so the research on ball valve sealing structure has been the focus and hot spot in this field.

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Teji Valve Group Co., Ltd.
Teji Valve Group Co., Ltd.

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